Hello, welcome to Ten Thousand Journeys, a newsletter exploring journeys {physical, mythical, archetypal} as a metaphor for personal transformation.
You are in the right place if you wonder what it means to leave home, how to make friends with the dragons you meet on your journeys, and return home with the magical elixir.
“No dragon can resist the fascination of riddling talk and of wasting time trying to understand it.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit
You can read more about the newsletter on the ABOUT page.
Table of Contents:
Currently, posts are divided into two broad categories:
A. Essays about different stages of the hero’s journey arc.
B. Postcards from the journey : This is the writing that emerges as a way for me to alchemize life’s experiences and journeys, part yearning and part meaning-making. I write about late blooming, invitations, mustering courage, thresholds of change, on uncertainty, growth, belonging, and homecoming. These posts feature more whimsy, fantasy, and lots of imagery.
A. The Hero’s Journey
Ordinary World and the Call to Adventure
Crossing the threshold:
Threshold Guardians:
Refusal of the call:
The Belly of the Whale:
The Road of Trials
Meeting with the Goddess:
A Dragon Encounter
Return with the elixir
B. Postcards from the journey:
On invitations, rituals, home, belonging, transformation, uncertainty, journeying,
A wonderful introduction piece for any new comers, Priya, very well organised :)
I love this idea - framing your posts around the ten thousand journeys. Look forward to diving into your words. 💜