Hi Priya, I've missed your writing! And funnily enough, I was just today reflecting on the circular and cyclical nature of life. And I love that you wrote this, "You could say I might've gotten my life right from the beginning. Because while we insist life is about the journey, as humans we also try to get it 'right' and as early as we can. ***But here’s the thing- what if this beautiful dance is what life is about, and not about getting it right or solving or reaching some illusory happily-ever-after?***" Amen, sistahβœ¨πŸŒŸπŸ’–πŸ™πŸ•ŠοΈ

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Thank you for your comment, Camilla! I’m glad the words resonated with you.

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I can relate to what you wrote about writing. For me, it was art. I spent hours happily painting & creating as a young child. Then I put it away, because I couldn’t draw to save my life & I was convinced that meant art wasn’t for me. I found my way back to art in my early 20s. Dabbled for a few years. Gave up again. It took me over 10 years to pick up the paintbrush again, but I haven’t looked back since. I don’t much care if my art is β€œgood” or if it ever becomes a big thing (though of course I’d be thrilled if it does!). What matters to me is the act of creating. Of finding myself on the page. That, for me, is the most important and satisfying thing!

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Shinjini, thank you for sharing your experience with this dance! I’ve found that each time the call becomes louder, more insistent, and finally we start to connect the dots.

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Welcome back Priya! I hope you and your loved ones are all well and safe. This was a thought-provoking piece.

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Thank you, Nadia, for your comment! It’s good to be back!

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Happy to have you back in my inbox! I wish you peace as you navigate so many different issues

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Thanks, Jason, it’s great to be back and to be writing again!

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Welcome back, Priya !!

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Thanks, Mike! It's great to be back.

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Priya, this was wonderful.

I don’t even know where to begin...

1) Is it true when that when dragonflies fly close to the ground, it’s going to rain? That’s so cool!

2) I feel like writing ahead of schedule helps take the pressure off and it allows you to have more time to percolate on and look over a piece.

3) I very much missed your writing.

4) Your ideas in this piece about coming full circle and β€˜getting it right’ feel so spot on and profound to me. I absolutely love this line:

β€œBut here’s the thing- what if this beautiful dance is what life is about, and not about getting it right or solving or reaching some illusory happily-ever-after?” β€” that is such a wonderful point.

Thank you for this piece and I’m glad your back :)

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Michael, thank you for your kind and generous words! It's great to be back. The presence of dragonflies, especially if they are flying close to the ground, apparently signifies rain- this is in southern India. Thanks again for your comment and support!

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That’s so cool! Thanks Priya :)

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Beautifully put, Priya! I have the same "gripe" about not getting it right and the same realization that this is what life is. How can we know what we don't even if the subject is ourselves, perhaps most hidden in many cases from our own gaze. Jung does say it best.

I hope all is well with you and family and look forward to more of your words.

PS> I also hope we can connect in person at some point whenever you're ready :-)

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Reena, thank you for your comment!

The family is doing well, thanks. I would love to connect- I looked for your email address (here's mine: writersomnibus@gmail.com), but coudn't locate it. Let me know how to get in touch.

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Sending you an email now!

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I replied!

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